Portfolio of Our Projects

Over the past two decades, Earth House has collaborated with a wide range of individuals and institutions to produce and enhance a significant body of books, sound files, videos and conferences. We invite you to review the organizations, projects and products we have helped to make visible. 

INDIVIDUALS: Tools for leadership and organizational development

BREAKTHROUGH COMMUNITIES — Building Leadership Skills for Sustainable Regions workbook for workshop presented by Carl Anthony and Paloma Pavel at the Regional Equity 08 Summit  PDF (2MB)

ORGANIZATIONS: Helping local organizations tell their story 
Destiny Arts Video and Teacher Handbook
Community Institute for Health Equity
Bridging the Bay Highlights Video

REGIONS:  Regional Equity collaboration projects 

NATIONAL:   National learning networks 
Breakthrough Communities Newsletters (see below)

Advancing Regional Equity Conference
   (conference recordings)
Breakthrough Communities (Book) (MIT Press, 2009)


GLOBAL: Issues and Alliances 
Climate Justice Book
July 2017 — now available in print
and free PDF formats

Streaming Media Resource Library 
Sustainable Solutions  DVD / streaming video
Journey to South Africa report
Japan  NGO Global Village

Recent newsletters from the Breakthrough Communities Project
